
This year, no matter which factors the different college-ranking publications like U.S. News & 世界报道, 《mg冰球突破豪华版下载》, 普林斯顿评论, and Money used to assess a return on investment (ROI) for students, mg冰球突破豪华版下载名列前茅.

“埃尔迈拉大学 is a place where students are supported and celebrated,” said Dr. 查尔斯·林赛,mg冰球突破豪华版下载院长. “We are 增加访问 to students with different life experiences and financial means. Our 学术和专业卓越中心 将我们的学术和就业服务结合在一起, 提供辅导之类的支持服务, writing, 学术住宿, 以及职业支持. And students are immersed in hands-on learning opportunities, giving them the skills and experience needed to succeed after EC.”

对于他们的排名, U.S. News & 世界报道 强调毕业率和留校率. EC ranked #7 in Regional Colleges North as well as #2 and #4 in the Best Value and Social Mobility subcategories. Performing well on these lists indicates that Elmira’s students are likely to stay and successfully earn their degrees.

U.S. News & 《mg冰球突破豪华版下载》还考虑了每个学生的花费, saying, “Generous per-student academic spending indicates a college can offer a variety of programs and services.“EC是新的。 翱翔的鹰主动飞翔 expands EC’s commitment to access and Affordability and its recently launched programs are professionally focused, 包括 法医科学 and 数据分析 未成年人,四名专业人士 Art concentrations; a 传媒研究、传播学和设计专业; and new Business Administration concentrations like the 汤米·希尔费格时尚商学院.


华盛顿Monthy rankings assess colleges based on three broad categories: social mobility, research, 促进公共服务. The publication specifically looks at how well colleges recruit and graduate students of modest means, produce the scholarship and scholars that drive economic growth and human flourishing, and encourage students to be active citizens and serve their country. The list ranks EC #7 out of 242 Best Bachelor’s Colleges in the nation.

Elmira also ranks in the top one-third on 《mg冰球突破豪华版下载》’s Best Bang for the Buck Rankings: Northeast, 优于其他, 地区院校. This list focuses on how well a college helps non-wealthy students attain marketable degrees at affordable prices.

Helping EC perform well in 《mg冰球突破豪华版下载》’s rankings is a strong focus on 社区参与和实习经历. All undergraduate students complete at least some service hours and/or internships that help build essential skills for career success. 欧共体也高度重视研究机会, 许多教师在项目上与学生密切合作, often co-authoring research papers and co-presenting at national conferences.



  • 至少有500名本科生.

  • 是否有足够可靠的数据可供分析.

  • 不要陷入财务困境.

  • Have a graduation rate that was at or above the median for its institutional category.

This year, Money introduced a five-star rating system and EC received four stars, 在同等规模的大学中名列前茅.

普林斯顿评论2024年版的 最好的389所大学名单 不包括排名, but was among the 15% of America’s four-year colleges profiled in the publication.

Also, EC was again named one of the nation's best undergraduate colleges and best 地区院校, 被《mg冰球突破豪华版下载》的2024年最佳大学:按地区分列" list, which salutes 630 colleges in seven geographic zones considered academically outstanding and well worth consideration.

“We created our rankings to provide a resource for college applicants that helps them answer what may well be the toughest question in their college search—‘What’s the best school for me?’” said Rob Franek, editor-in-chief of 普林斯顿评论 and lead author of The Best 389 Colleges. “Our selection of colleges for this book reflects our high opinion of the schools: we recommend each one as academically outstanding. Our ranking lists reflect the opinions of the school’s students—their customers—and their reports to us about their campus experiences.”

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