Continuing Success after Elmira

Our commitment to you doesn't stop after you graduate. Our career resources at Elmira prepare our Alumni for the future ahead. Whether you need help updating your resume 和 cover letter, 练习面试, or help with networking or transitioning from one career to the next, 职业服务中心期待着帮助你建立信心,迎接下一个职业挑战. 

“I was able to apply what I was learning to real-world situations. ... Those experiences set me up for success in 和 out of EC.”

职业生涯 服务 Helps You Find Resume-Worthy Experiences 

For undergrads 和 graduate students alike, 寻找有简历价值的经历是大学毕业后实现职业目标的关键. 我们通过各种专业前选择,将职业准备纳入我们的课程,让您领先一步. 你可以从两个地方开始写简历:社区参与和专业实习.

At the 办公室 职业生涯 服务, 我们在这里帮助你找到合适的经验,帮助你实现你的职业目标. 握手埃尔迈拉大学 AlumniFire are key tools in navigating the internship 和 job search process. We’re happy to guide you through it!



Community engagement at 埃尔迈拉大学 offers learning opportunities, fosters civic responsibility, involves students at the local level, 和 bolsters Elmira's community. If you're a full-time student, 你必须完成60小时的社区活动,在校园50英里半径内的一个附近的非营利服务组织.

A student lays on top of an orca she worked with as part of an internship


We prioritize professional preparation. As part of Elmira's general education requirements, 你应该通过与职业相关的实习和/或研究经验来完成现场经验. 你可以在你所在的部门寻找实习机会.


Preprofessional 校园 俱乐部

Want to build your career 技能 和 engage with your community? Then consider joining a preprofessional club at Elmira! We help you network 和 build experiential learning before you graduate. 

Three female nursing students smile while sitting at desks

如果你专注于教育、护理或传播科学,你很幸运! 我们在这些项目中设有职业前培训小组,为您提供实际培训的机会.

Explore Preprofessional 俱乐部


How to Prepare for an Interview

Preparation is key to having a good 面试. 当你和你未来的老板谈话时,这里有一些重要的建议可以考虑:

  • 穿着得体: Consider the type of 公司文化 you'll be working for. 穿职业装,在选择衣柜和配饰时运用常识. 你可以从我们的职业衣橱里得到一些初Academics的衣服——你可以在下面找到更多的信息.
  • 做好调查研究: 学习 about the company 和 the position you're applying for.
  • 准备好谈话 ... 听: Think of pertinent questions about the position, 公司文化, 和期望, 一定要参与进来. Be aware of your body language, 表现出热情, 和 remember: Part of communicating is knowing how to be a good listener!
  • 是你自己: Try your best to relax 和 let your personality shine. Employers want to see your authenticity — not just your 技能 和 talents.
  • 跟进: Send a thank-you email after the 面试, letting your potential employer know you're grateful for the opportunity.

Grad Application Must-Haves

这里有一些我们推荐的经历,可以列在你的简历或研究生申请中,展示你的技能和目标. 展开下面的这些选项,了解更多关于如何获得一个有希望的开始.


一个研究项目可以通过展示你的技能和批判性思维能力来支持研究生院的申请,并且可以给你在你的研究领域提供相关的经验. 发表的研究项目也可以给你的申请增加更多的权重,因为它展示了你对学术界的贡献.


计划获得高级学位并符合高水平研究生学习资格的学生可以在研究生院实习. 研究生院预科实习符合职业相关实习要求. 研究生院预科实习项目包括但不限于以下内容:

  • Original research in the laboratory sciences
  • Building an art portfolio
  • Statistical hypothesis testing 和/or model building
  • 社会机构或企业活动的解释和分析
  • 研究生级别的历史、文学或哲学学科的奖学金

这些经历很重要,因为它们是你实现更大职业目标的基石, helping you to gain knowledge, 技能, 和信心.


Students who plan to go on to graduate school, 进入一个研究领域, 或者成为一个创造性的角色,可以与教师一起写一篇原创论文,或者创作出适合他们研究领域的原创作品. 这篇论文或工作应该对该领域产生重要而适当的新思想或材料贡献.

A male student looks through a microscope

Read the Graduate School Guide

需要帮助找到最好的学院和大学,提供你感兴趣的项目? This Graduate Guide offers helpful advice 和 articles.




If you need professional clothing to impress at a job fair, 面试, 或实习, the 职业生涯 Closet can help you find the right wardrobe. 让就业服务办公室帮你组装一套从头到脚的全套服装, all while teaching you how to build an affordable, 专业的衣柜. And the clothes are yours to keep.

A career counselor helps a visitor in the 职业生涯 Closet

The 职业生涯 Closet welcomes donations of clothing. To donate, email 职业生涯 服务 at eccareers@埃尔迈拉.edu 或打电话 (607) 735-1830. You can also support the 职业生涯 Closet with a monetary donation by visiting www.埃尔迈拉.edu/give, selecting “Other — See Designation Below,” 和 specifying “职业生涯 Closet.”



我们的就业服务办公室希望帮助你利用所有这些惊人的职业机会. 与我们联系,让我们共同努力,推动你一直梦想的未来!

Reach Out to 职业生涯 服务
